Specific Angular Momentum#
The angular momentum \(\vec L = I\vec\omega\) in this system is purely the oribtal angular momentum of two point masses with \(I=r^2m\). Thus,
Note that \(m\) here is the reduced mass given by the relation \(m^{-1} = m_1^{-1} + m_2^{-1}\)
A more useful vector in orbital mechanics is the specific angular momentum vector , \(\vec h\), which is the angular momentum vector divided by the reduced mass.
Constant Specific Angular Momentum for the Two Body Problem : \(\vec h\) is constant in the two body problem. This is simple fact from its derivative and plugging in the acceleration with the two body equation.
\dot{\vec h} = \underbrace{\dot{\vec r} \times \dot{\vec r}}_0 + \dot{\vec r} \times \ddot{\vec r}
\dot{\vec r} \times \ddot{\vec r} = -\frac{\mu}{r^2} (\vec r \times \hat r) = 0
\dot{\vec h} = \vec 0 \implies \vec h = \text{constant}
To determine the magnitude of \(\vec h\) we rely on the flight path angle \(\phi_\text{fpa}\)
Definition of cross product magnitude
\[ h = rv \sin(\theta_{rv}) = rv \cos(\phi_\text{fpa}) \]Extremities of flight path angle are at its periapsis and apoapsis
\[\begin{split} h = r_a v_a\\ h = r_p v_p \end{split}\]Trigonometry of the true anomaly \(\nu\) $\( \cos(\phi_\text{fpa}) = \frac{r \dot \nu}{v}\\ h = r^2 \dot \nu \)$
Using the trajectory equation in terms of the semiparameter \(p\)
\[ h = \sqrt{\mu p} \]