CS61C Review#

Parallel Processing#

Loop Unrolling#

Loop unrolling decreases the number of branch instructions and comparators which are the bottlenecks of datapath.


    int x;
    for (x = 0; x < 100; x++)

There is 100 sets of branch instrucitons.


    int x;
    for (x = 0; x < 20; x += 5 )
        delete(x); // For loop here?
        delete(x + 1);
        delete(x + 2);
        delete(x + 3);
        delete(x + 4);

There is now only 20 sets of branch instrucitons.

  • One may make a for loop to do the unrolled statements. Many compilers are able to recognize these kinds of for loops.

SIMD - Intel SSE Intrinsics#

Single instrucitons multiple data (SIMD) is a data-level parallelism design that operates a single instruction onto multiple data. Let’s use the Intel SSE Intrinsics as an example.

  • Implemented by using larger registers called scalar registers.

  • SSE scalar registers are named xxm0, xxm1,...xxmN and are 128-bit each.

  • Often used for int and float thus holding four 32 bit elements
















Load the next vector from address

v1 = _mm_loadu_ps(ptr) // ptr points to some data


_mm_[arithmetic]_[type](v1, v2)

Apply arithmetic to two vectors

_mm_add_ps(v1, v2)

Initialize / Set


Create a vector with all values equal to arg

_mm_set1_ps(0) // <0, 0, 0, 0>


_mm_storeu_[type](arr, v)

Store the elements of vector v to some array arr

_mm_storeu_ps(arr, v1)

Example of SSE Code#

    float eval_lagrange_fast(float *X, float *Y, float c, size_t n, size_t k) {
        float retval = 1, m[4];
        size_t i;
        __m128 ret_vec = _mm_set1_ps(1); // single precision (sp) floating point vector vector <1, 1, 1, 1>
        for (i = 0; i < n/4; i += 1) {
            if (i == k/4)
            ret_vec = _mm_mul_ps(ret_vec, _mm_sub_ps(_mm_set1_ps(c),
            _mm_loadu_ps(X + i*4)));
            ret_vec = _mm_div_ps(ret_vec, _mm_sub_ps(_mm_load1_ps(X + k),
            _mm_loadu_ps(X + i*4)));
        for (i = k/4*4; i < k/4*4 + 4; i += 1) {
            if (i == k)
            retval *= c - X[i];
            retval /= X[k] - X[i];
        _mm_storeu_ps(m, ret_vec);
        return Y[k] * retval * m[0] * m[1] * m[2] * m[3];

MIMD - OpenMP#

Multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD) is a thread-level paralellism design.

  • Multithread in a single core allows the illusion of simultaneous multiprocessing. This is done by smart task managing by the operating system.

  • Each thread has separate registers and PC but the memory is shared.

Let’s use OpenMP as an example.

OpenMP Directives#

Directives are placed in the code to signify which block of code are to be in distributed and what type of multithread process is to be done with those blocks.

##pragma omp [options]


The parallel option is used when specific parts of the memory can be assigned to each thread.

The example below uses 2 threads to compute \(2^{100}\). Logically this should be 2x faster than a single thread (not really since its implementation dependent).

    double prod[0] = 2
    double prod[1] = 2
    double result = 1

    ##pragma parallel {
        id = omp_get_thread_num()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += NUM_THREADS) {
            prod[id] *= 2
    result *= prod[0] * prod[1]

The critical option creates a critical section for threads required to access shared memory.

    double prod[0] = 2
    double prod[1] = 2
    double result = 1

    ##pragma omp parallel {
        id = omp_get_thread_num()
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i += NUM_THREADS) {
            prod[id] *= 2
    ##pragma omp critical
        result *= prod[id]
Parallel For#

The parallel for option can be assigned to each thread by consecutive chunks.

##pragma omp parallel for{
    int a = [1,2,3,4];
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < len(a); i++) {
// prints 1 2 3 4 in any order depending on which threads finishes first.

int NUM_THREADS = 0;
int result;
int prod[NUM_THREADS]
##pragma omp parallel for{
    int id = omp_get_thread_num()
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        prod[id] *= 2

Shared Memory#

Because memory between are shared we can get a bug called a race condition. A race condition is caused due to the threads accessing the same memory (often when writing).

  • If all threads write to a memory then only the latest write is saved.

The solution to this issue is to allow a thread to lock the data needed through the process called atomic memory operatons (AMO) .

  • The AMO is implemented onto the ISA with specific opcodes

  • See critical section for an example of OpenMP using AMO.

A typical AMO does the following:

  1. Checks to see if data queried is locked.

    • If locked, wait until it’s unlocked.

    • If unlocked, lock it and continue to step 2.

  2. Perform the instructions needed (called critical section)

  3. Unlock the data if finished.

Cache Coherency#

  • Bus : Connection between each cores.

  • Snoop : A signal asking the bus if anything changes.

MOESI Protocol#

Reminder: Dirty means memory is not up to date.

  • Modified

    • Only this cache has a copy

    • Dirty

  • Owned

    • More than one cache has a copy

    • Dirty

    • This cache responsible to write to memory

  • Exclusive

    • Only this cache has a copy

    • Clean

  • Shared

    • More than one cache has a copy

    • Either dirty or clean

    • This cache is not responsible for writing to memory

  • Invalid

    • Unusable since the block is not updated

graph RL;
    M --R/W--> M
    M --Bus R--> O
    M --Bus W--> I

    O --R / Bus R--> O
    O --Bus W--> I
    O --W--> M

    E --R--> E
    E --W--> M
    E --Bus W--> I
    E --Bus R--> S

    S --R / Bus R--> S
    S --W--> M
    S --Bus W--> I

    I --Reset--> I
    I --R Miss, Shared--> S
    I --W Miss--> M
    I --R Miss, Exclusive--> E


Cache Policy#

Write Through#

  • All changes are written to the memory8

Write Back#