Factory Method#
Separates object (product) creation from usage in the main class (creator). The creation of the object is done in the superclass but allows the subclass to alter the type of objects to be created.
Creator --right> Product
Creator <|-- ConcreteCreatorA
Creator <|-- ConcreteCreatorB
Product <|-- ConcreteProductA
Product <|-- ConcreteProductB
abstract Creator {
{abstract} createProduct(): Product
note left of Creator::useProduct
product = createProduct()
end note
note left of Creator::createProduct
Factory method
end note
interface Product {
class ConcreteCreatorA {
createProduct(): Product
note right of ConcreteCreatorA::createProduct
return ConcreteProductA()
end note
class ConcreteCreatorB {
createProduct(): Product
The separation of creation and usage is the core purpose of the factory method. Therefore, the advantages are:
New product types are created from implementing the product and subclassing the creator.
Allow external users to extend both usage and product types a la above