Join Queries

Join Queries#

The standard SQL join are part of the FROM clause. The syntax is,

JOIN <tbl2>
ON <qualification_list>

Inner or Natural Join#

An INNER JOIN joins the intersection of two or more tables for columns determined by the ON clause.

While, NATURAL JOIN is a special case of INNER JOIN which assumes that the ON clause is for all columns that share the same name.

Equivalently, INNER is selected by default so this syntax is also an INNER JOIN where ON is replace by the WHERE clause.

SELECT <column expr>
FROM <tbl1>, <tbl2>
WHERE <tbl1>.<col1> = <tbl2>.<col2>

Outer Join#

An outer join always return all rows of the LEFT table, RIGHT table, or FULL (union, both) tables. Matched rows are combined as one row and unmatched rows replaces the data with NULL.