Relational Algebra

Relational Algebra#

Relational Calculus#

Relational calculus is a declarative representation of queries with operation description which we see in relational algebra (Codd’s Theorem).


Unary : Operators of a single relation

  • Projection (\(\pi\)): Retains only desired columns

    • SELECT $\( \pi_\texttt{col_expr} \)$

    • Cascade property: $\( \pi_{c1} \equiv \pi_{c1}(\pi_{c1 \land c2}) \)$

  • Selection (\(\sigma\)): Select a subset of rows

    • WHERE $\(\sigma_\texttt{pred}\)$

    • Cascade property: $\( \sigma_{c1 \land c2} \equiv \sigma_{c1}\sigma_{c2} \)$

    • Commutative property: $\( \sigma_{c1}\sigma_{c2} \equiv \sigma_{c2}\sigma_{c1} \)$

  • Renaming (\(\rho\)): Rename attributes and relations

    • AS $\(\rho(\texttt{rename}, \texttt{relational_expr})\)$

Binary : Operators of a pair relations

  • Union (\(\cup\))

    • UNION [ALL]

    • Think of it as concatenation

    • Requires the pairs to be union compatible (same number of field in the same order)

  • Difference (\(-\))

    • EXCEPT [ALL]

  • Cross Product (\(\times\))

    • JOIN

Compound : A combination of operators

  • Intersection (\(\cap\))

    • INTERSECT $\( A \cap B \equiv A - (A-B) \)$

  • Join (\(\Join\))

    • Theta join $\( \Join_\texttt{ON} \)\( \)\( A \Join B \equiv \sigma_\texttt{pred}(A \times B) \)$

    • Natural join $\( A \Join B \equiv \pi_\texttt{col_expr} \sigma_\texttt{pred}(A \times B) \)$

      Where \(\texttt{pred}\) is common columns.

Other : Some academics use the following as useful macros

* Group by, aggregation, and having
    $$ \gamma_\texttt{groupby, aggregate, having} $$