Python 3.6#

Here lists the new features since Python 3.5 adopted or to be adopted into my codes.


Literal String Interpolation

PEP 498

One of the most fundamental changes in string representation is the ease of us given by f-strings (f for format).

from math import pi

# Suffixes are Precision
precision = 3
print(f"Three values of pi {pi:.{precision}}") // 3.14
print(f"Three significant figures of pi {pi:.{precision}g}") // 3.14
print(f"Three decimals of pi {pi:.{precision}f}") // 3.141

# String Size (default align right)
width = 5
print(f"{pi:{width}.{precision}") //  3.14

# Prefixes are formats
# Exponential
print (f"{pi:e}") # 3.141593e+00

Variable Type Syntax#

Syntax for Variable Annotations

PEP 526

Type Hints

PEP 484

from typing import Dict

d: Dict[str, int] = {}

Underscore Numerical Separator#

Underscores in Numeric Literals

PEP 515

Allow arbritrary underscore (_) placement between numbers as separators.

addr = 0xCAFE_F00D  # 3405705229
0xCAFE_F00D == 0xCAFEF00D # True

Async Generators#

Asynchronous Generators

PEP 525

Coroutines with async and await syntax

PEP 492

async def ticker(delay, to):
    """Yield numbers from 0 to *to* every *delay* seconds."""
    for i in range(to):
        yield i
        await asyncio.sleep(delay)

Async Comprehension#

Asynchronous Comprehension

PEP 530

Adds async for in list, set, dict comprehension and genrator expression:

result = [i async for i in async_iterator() if i % 2]

Adds await for all kinds of comprehension:

result = [await fun() for fun in funcs if await condition()]

Simpler Subclass Creation and Customization#

class Philosopher:
    subclasses = []
    def __init_subclass__(cls, default_name, **kwargs):
        cls.default_name = default_name

class AustralianPhilosopher(Philosopher, default_name="Bruce"):

File System Path Protocol#

Adding a file system path protocol

PEP 530

Historically, a path-like object must either be a str or bytes. However with the use of other path-like objectss like those in pathlib, a protocol is implement to more easily incorporate other path-like objects.

  • os.PathLike is an abstract base class that inherits functions in os and os.path modules.

  • open() make take in all os.PathLike objects (e.g., pathlib)

Preserving Order of Class Attribute and Kwargs#

PEP 520 PEP 468

__dict__ in classes and `**kwargs`` in function now preserve insertion order.

Dictionary Implementation#

  • dict uses 20% to 25% less memory

  • dict is ordered by implementation detail, not permanent!