Linked List#

A sequential collection of elements where each element contains a value and a pointer.

  • The pointer points to the next item in te list.

  • The last pointer points to the null terminator used to signify the end of a list.


  • Easy insertion and deletion without allocation as the data does not need to be stored contiguously in memory due to pointers.


  • Access any particular index requires traversing.


  • Java’s LinkedList and ArrayList

Singly Linked List#

Doubly Linked List#

The doubly linked list adds two pointers to each element: a next and a prev pointer. The first element’s next pointer and last element’s prev pointer points to the null terminator.

Sentinel Node#

A sentinel node is a node that points to the first and last element.

  • Sentinel node provides a easy way to append to the ends of the list.

Circular Linked List#

Instead of the last pointer pointing to the null terminator, the last pointer points to the first first element.