Newton’s Method#

The Newton’s method is an optimization method requiring the curvature of the interested optimization problem \(L(\theta)\).

Starting at an initial step \(\theta(t=0)\):

  1. Approximate a quadratic function at the current step.

  2. Jump to the unique critical point.

  3. Repeat 1-2 until satisfied.

Taylor Expansion#

The quadratic function comes from the second term of the Taylor series,

\[ \nabla L(\theta) = \nabla L(\theta)\big\rvert_{\theta(t)} + \mathcal H (L(\theta))\big\rvert_{\theta(t)}\Delta \theta + \mathcal O(|\Delta \theta |^2) \]

Where \(\mathcal H\) is the Hessian operator.

The critical point lies where \(\nabla L(\theta) = 0\) so we can solve for \(\Delta\theta\),

\[ \Delta \theta = -\left[H(L(\theta))\big\rvert_{\theta(t)}\right]^{-1}\nabla L(\theta)\big\rvert_{\theta(t)} \]