Feature Selection#

Forward Stepwise Selection#

\(\mathcal O(d^2)\) algorithm that builds a model by adding features iteratively:

  1. Start with no features (null model)

  2. Score single-feature models

  3. Add the best scoring single-feature model to the null model

  4. Repeatedly add the best scoring feature until validation error starts increasing.

Backward Stepwise Selection#

\(\mathcal O(d^2)\) algorithm that builds a model by removing features iteratively:

  1. Start with all-features model

  2. Remove the feature that results to the best \(d-1\) feature model.

Selection by Parameter#

Remove features with small parameters. This is best used for normalized data.

If the data is not normalized, alternatively some metric called the z-score can be used to score the features’ importance. $\( z_j = \frac{\theta_j}{\sigma \sqrt{(X^\top X)_{jj}}} \)$


Naturally adding the LASSO regularization would set some of the features to zero. Using this these features may as well be removed from the dataset.