k-means Clustering#

k-means clustering or Lloyd’s Algorithm partitions \(n\) points into \(k\) disjoint clusters. Assign each input point \(X_i\) a cluster label \(y_i \in [1,k]\).

We assign each of the \(k\) cluster with its mean \(\mu_i\). The objective is to minimize each sample’s Euclidean distance to the cluster mean.

\[ y = \mathop{\arg\min}_y \sum_{i=1}^k\sum_{y_j = i}|X_j - \mu_i|^2 \]

The solution is unfortunatley NP-hard in \(\mathcal O(nk^n)\).

Heuristic Solution#

Because the solution is NP-hard, we use the following algorithm:

  1. Let \(y_j\) be fixed and update \(\mu_i\). Solved via letting \(\mu_i\) be the mean of the points in cluster \(i\)

  2. \(\mu_j\) are fixed and update \(y_j\). Solved via letting \(y\) be the points where \(X_j\) is closest to the center \(\mu_j\).

  3. Repeat 1-2 until no changes.

This algorithm will always terminate but the solution is not always the global minimum.

This algorithm is susceptible to initial clustering. There are a few methods that works:

  • Forgy method: Choose \(k\) ranodm sample points to be initial the set of \(\mu\) then go to step 2.

  • Random partition: Randomly assign each sample point to cluster then go to step 1.

  • k-means ++: Like Forgy, but biased distribution

Alternative Objective Function#

\[ y = \mathop{\arg\min}_y \sum_{i=1}^k \frac{1}{n_i}\sum_{y_j=i}\sum_{y_m=i} |X_j - X_m|^2 \]


k-Medroids does not use Euclidean distance but some general distance function \(d(X_i, X_j)\).

The mean is replace with the medoid \(\mu\) which is the sample point that minimizes the total distance to other points in the same cluster.