Kernel Ridge Regression#

Take some cenetered data \(X, y\) such that we can confidently write the normal equation for ridge regression as:

\[ (X^\top X + \lambda I) \theta = X^\top y \]

Now to write \(\theta\) in terms of the linear combination of \(X\),

\[\begin{split} \begin{gather*} \theta = \frac{1}{\lambda}(X^\top y - X^\top X \theta) = X^\top a\\ a = \frac{1}{\lambda}(y-X\theta) \end{gather*} \end{split}\]

Now to remove the \(\theta\) dependency,

\[ a = (XX^\top + \lambda I)^{-1}y \]

Replacing \(\theta\) in the ridge regression loss function,

\[ \mathcal L = |XX^\top a - y|^2 + \lambda |X^\top a|^2 \]

Another property is when solving for a out of sample point \(z\),

\[ \hat y(z) = w^\top z = a^\top X z = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i(X_i^\top z) \]

Here motivates the kernel function,

\[ k(X_i, z) = X_i^\top z \]

thus also the kernel matrix \(K\). Now we can summarize the optimization solution (i.e., the normal equation) and the model

\[\begin{split} \begin{gather} (K + \lambda I) a = y\\ \hat y (z) = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i k(X_i,z) \end{gather} \end{split}\]


The dual (or kernel) form of ridge regression has the performance:

\[ \mathcal O (n^3 + n^2 d) \]

compared with the primal form which has the performance:

\(\mathcal O(d^3 + d^2 n)\)

So whenever \(d > n\) , the kernel form is best used. Furthermore any increase in \(d\) due to the design transformation is ignored with kernels.