Principle Component Analysis#
Principle Component Analysis (PCA) reduces the dimension by projecting onto another subspace that captures as much variation of the data as possible.
Gaussian Components#
Given cenetered data \(X\), the covariance matrix is given by
Project \(X\) onto the principle coordinates of dimension \(k\) which are the eigenvectors \(v_1 \ldots v_k\) associated with a set of the largest eigenvalues \(\lambda_1 \ldots \lambda_k\)
Variability Accounted#
The percentage of variability accounted for is given by the proportion of the sum of the eigenvalues accounted for.
General PCA#
In general, a gaussian fit to the data is not needed. The goal of PCA once again is to find the direction of projection that maximizes variance. This can be written as a maximization problem:
The identity is the Raleigh quotient of \(X^\top X\) and \(w\). Therefore if \(w\) is an eigenvector \(v_i\) then the Rayleigh quotient is \(\lambda_i\).
Restricting \(w\) to be an eigenvector \(v_d\) maximizes the variance to \(\lambda_d / n\)
Not restricting \(w\) to be an eigenvector, because \(w\) is a linear combination of the eigenvectors \(v\), the Raleyigh quotient is a linear combination of the eigenvalues.
Deriving PCA Using Projection Error#
The sum of squared error is the projection error of PCA. We want to minimize the projection error.
Given \(X\) containing \(n\) faces of \(d\) grayscale pixels each, find the nearest neighbor to the training set. This is a slow process of \(\Theta(nd)\). PCA can reduce this dimension by projection \(d\) to \(d'\).
Random Projections#
An alternative to PCA as a preprocess. Choosing a small \(\epsilon\) and \(\delta\) create a random subspace \(S \in \mathbb R^d\) of dimension \(k\) where
For any point \(q\), let \(\hat q\) be the orthogonal projection of \(q\) onto \(S\) multiplied by \(\sqrt{d/k}\).
For any two points \(q\), \(w \in \mathbb R^{d}\)
with probability \(\mathbb P \ge 1 - 2\delta\)
The typical hyperparameters are: